Turn On, Tune Out
ISBN: 978-989-99873-1-9 (e-book)
​ISBN: 978-989-99873-0-2 (paperback)
Author Cynthia Adina Kirkwood reading from her novel in London at Travelling Through Bookshop and Cafe

Portugal Is Personal​
I am a baby boomer who defied age by moving my family from a sedentary life in England to a farming one in Portugal.
Portugal Is Personal is a collection of humorous, sentimental and practical essays about the move. It is published in 13 installments.
Please join me on my journey to a place of tranquility.
Journey to Honor: Black Mountain Man
James Pierson Beckwourth
Journey to Honor is the story of sex, race and identity told through the fictionalized life of the black mountain man, James Pierson Beckwourth. His father married his mother and slave, but he refused to free her and their 13 children.
Jim's life is marked by luck and daring.
I discovered Jim by luck.
While a reporter at the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, I covered education. In one story, parents of 12- to 14- year-olds researched and wrote a black history supplement for their children's middle school. Jim's name was listed as one of the American West's explorers.

Anybody Home?
A One-Act Play
Barbara, a racist, and Nancy, an assimilationist, are the same black American woman living abroad. The immigrant tries to reconcile her outsider status.
Living in another country can be exhlirating. However, it also can lead to heartache, even when what the foreigner misses is racism.
Pirating Slavery
The buccaneers of the Good Hope spy a slave ship in flames which sparks their mission to liberate slavers in the Caribbean in this novel.
On their sailing republic, they also wrangle with past loves whom they abandoned for their freedom or killed for their love.
Sacred Waters:
19 and Pregnant

As women, we often carry secrets about our pasts to our deaths.
I was told that the river in Listowel, County Kerry, was named after a woman who, upon spotting her approaching husband, drowned herself.
Feale suffered the irony of marriage to a Druid bard of peace who beat her.
Hundreds of years later, at Williams College in Massachusetts, amid the Black Movement and the Watergate scandal, a student battled expectations.
The two women carried the same secret and . . . the same soul.

March for Love
A Screenplay
She is 39. He is 23. She is keeping him a secret. Yvonne, a black newspaper reporter, interviewed Alex at a march for a more diverse university faculty. After they begin dating, the school is bombed, and she worries that he may have done it.