A solidarity bank account has been created for the victims of the fires in Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal, managed by the municipal government, and the funds will be applied quickly and appropriately applied to the support of victims. The donations must be done through the municipality's specially established bank account. The bank account's IBAN is as follows: PT50 0035 0567 00026953430 37 and the BIC, or SWIFT, code is as follows: CGDIPTPL.
Thank you for your consideration.
Oliveira do Hospital, my municipality and the one hardest affected by the fires on October 15, issued a statement on October 20th, regarding clothes, tool and construction material donations,animal burial, and the clearing of roads, among other things.
The entire statement reads as follows:
Friday, 20 October 2017
Camara of Oliveira do Hospital Municipality
Useful Information/ Fires in Oliveira do Hospital (Unofficial English Translation)
In light of the sequence of dramatic events experienced by those living in the concelho of Oliveira do Hospital as a consequence of the forest fires, the camara has organized the following useful information:
Delivery and collection of goods: The municipality of Oliveira do Hospital and the Oliveira do Hospital community are thankful for the generosity demonstrated in the offering of goods that have arrived at this concelho. At this time, we ask that all citizens who are available to work with the Office of Support (Gabinete de Apoio a Vereaçao, GAV), call 238 605 257 (direct to GAV) or 238 605 250 (general number for the Camara), to ascertain needs and proceeding with registering the information.
Donation of Clothes: The delivery of clothes and textile articles for Oliveira do Hospital must be taken to the underground car park, or parking lot, located on Lg. Ribeiro do Amaral, every day from 9h00 to 19h00.
Donation of Food and Hygiene Products: Delivery of food and hygiene products for Oliveira do Hospital can be delivered daily, from 9h00 to 19h00, to the Parque de Mandanelho, behind the stage, situated on Av. Dr. Carlos Campos.
Registration of Volunteers: Volunteers who are available to lend a helping hand to our concelho, must register in person between 9h00 and 19h00, in the underground car park located on Ac. Dr. Carlos Campos.
Solidarity Bank Account: A solidarity bank account was created for the victims of the fires in Oliveira do Hospital, managed by the Camara Municipal, and the funds will be applied quickly and appropriately applied to the support of victims. The donations must be done through the bank’s IBAN: PT50 0035 0567 00026953430 37 (BIC SWIFT CGDIPTPL).
Homes: All of the people who have lost their houses and/or have need of relocating must contact the Junta de Freguesia of the residence, the situation, and their needs.
Also, the homeowners who have damage to their houses – to the roofs, windows, and other parts – must contact the Junta de Freguesia to account for the damages.
Animals: To show respect to dead animals, it is necessary to bury them. The owners must communicate the situation. At this time, the Camara Municpal already has proceeded with the burial of all the animals found that were victims of the fire.
Relative to surviving animals – sheep and goats – the Camara Municipal ensures their food.
The owners who need this help must drive to or contact Ancose – Associaçao Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos Serra da Estrela (238 600720). They also can contact the Junta da Freguesia and obtain direction in this situation. Ancose is accepting donations of rations for animals which must be delivered to the office of Ancose (http://www.ancose.com/).
The municipalities that also need water for the animals must contact the service of “piquete” (available 24 hours a day) at 966 825 061, to report the situation.
Water: The supply of public water for the population is being normalized by the Municipality of Oliveira do Hospital, which is checking for some problems of pressure.
The municipalities that have a persistent problem of a lack of water must contact, please, the services of “piquet” (available 24 hours a day) at 966 825 061 to report the situation.
The deadline of the payment of water bills was prolonged – that which ended on October 20 has extended to October 31- for local inhabitants.
Roads: At this time, the municipal roads of the Municipality of Oliveira do Hospital are unobstructed and navigable. Move around always with caution.
Intervention on land: The services of the Camara Municipal of Oliveira do Hospital already have intervened in dozens of houses that, as a result of the fire, were a danger to the security of people and their goods. The teams are on the land, but if you know of some situation that is dangerous to people and goods, please inform us at 238 605 250.
Water/Bills: The Serviço e Saneamanto de Municipio de Oliveira do Hospital (water and sanitation service) has said that the water consumption bill made in October will not be punitive for excessive consumption during the period of fires inflicted upon our concelho.
Therefore, the value that will be due in this bill will be calculated as a median of the amount due for the previous 12 months. The Municipal of Oliveira do Hospital is distributing potable water throughout the concelho. For clarity of doubts that may arise, don’t hesitate to contact at 238 605 255 during office hours.
Volunteers: More volunteers are going to be necessary to continue all the work that is to come in different areas. Register at the Office of Support (Gabinete de Apoio a Vereaçao, GAV), call 238 605 257 (direct to GAV) or 238 605 250 (general number for the Camara).
Donations: We ask all citizens who are available to work collecting donations to contact the Office of Support (Gabinete de Apoio a Vereaçao, GAV), call 238 605 257 (direct to GAV) or 238 605 250 (general number for the Camara), to ascertain needs.
Agricultural tools: We need the solidarity of the Portuguese in sending a variety of agricultural tools for the many families that practice subsistence agriculture so that they can return to cultivating the land.
Construction Materials: We need the solidarity of the Portuguese in all types of construction materials that will permit us to reconstruct quickly the many dozens of houses destroyed by the fires. For this type of donation, get in touch with Office of Support (Gabinete de Apoio a Vereaçao, GAV), call 238 605 257 (direct to GAV) or 238 605 250 (general number for the Camara).
Support to the People: The Municipality of Oliveira do Hospital informs that since the fire, there are distributions of various types of goods and primary necessities to the people of the concelho through the Juntas de Freguesia.
For whatever additional necessity or emergency situation, please don’t hesitate to contact the Junta de Freguesia of your area of residence or call 961 370 240.
Services of the autarchy already are in action on land or in reconstructing houses damaged by the fires.
Help with animals: The autarchy informs that it continues to provide potable water and food for animals that survived this great tragedy. For whatever emergency situation, don’t hesitate to contact Serviços Veterinarios Municipais (Municipal Veterinarian Services) at 919856377.